Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday Fuel Injection: Event time!

Hey everybody, Blackie Bike here with another installment of Friday Fuel Injection.  Subject this week?  The big event.  I think all riders set some sort of goal for themselves each year- whether that be a number of days per week to commute, a big charity or group ride, even all the way to up to pro racers who plan an entire season around one or two big races (or the Olympics as it might be this year).  As we've mentioned on this blog any number of times, Buttercup's big goal this year was to finish the Total200 ride.  He's been training hard for it, he lost most of the weight he was trying to lose and he's got some good miles in his legs.  He's about as ready as he's going to get.  And a good thing, too.  Since it's here.
The big event is here.  The ride is tomorrow (Saturday, June 30).
Here's a map of the ride.

The weather forecast is brutal.

Day Jun 30

Isolated T-Storms
Isolated T-Storms

You've got to be kidding me?  102 degrees F?  Should be entertaining to watch.

But this is it.  This is what he's been riding for all year.  This is why he lost the 20lbs.  This is why he's been working really hard to stay hydrated all week.  It's here.  It's time.  Let's RIDE!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Training Hard!

We've been doing a lot of training for the 200 miler in the past couple of weeks.  Some new stuff coming in the mail for me today and tomorrow while we get me all set up for the big ride.
More soon!

Blackie Bike

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Hi All!  Blackie Bike here to chat a bit about the riding we've been doing to prep for the 200 miler coming up the end of the month.
We've been doing some good rides.  Last week Buttercup and Blu Bike had a nice ride to Annapolis and back (81 miles).  A good solid ride given that it was on a Single Speed.  Blu Bike is running a 42/16 these days, so it was challenging on BC's legs on the hills and kept his cadence up on the flats and downhill stuff.
Then Buttercup took me out for a nice ride last this past weekend for 109.  It was a good time in the saddle. We went with one of BC's riding friends for a while and her brother.  Turns out her brother does some pretty serious cyclocross racing out in Colorado- so he was great for pacing good ol' Buttercup along the route.
Here's a map of the route.  Good stuff!

Then we had a small mechanical gremlin to find, so he put me on the trainer for a bit (that's an easier spot sometimes to search out a mechanical issue than any other).  Then we figured, heck- why not do a good interval workout?  So we did "Power" from Real Rides Training from Robbie Ventura.  So we've done that a few times in the past couple of weeks.  They are fun dvd's.  Especially for the off season or rainy days.  And it's a serious workout!
This week we've done the "Power" dvd again.  Then had a good spin yesterday watching a movie.  BC is dealing with a little bit of tendinitis right now- and it is getting better.  No sense in going into a daylong ride hurt.  That just doesn't seem like it would end well.
And just in case you are wondering what all this training is for?  The Total 200 is a double century ride in Washington DC.  It's on June 30th.  Buttercup and I tried it last year and didn't make it.  But we've both been working hard this year to be ready- and BC's body is ready.  His mind is ready.  And his bike (that's me!) is ready.  Let's do this thing!
Lastly- Buttercup is making some subtle diet changes along with all the exercise.  Result?  Weight loss.  He's now down just about 15lbs for the year.  Nice!  He still has a bit of a gut, but the love handles are gone!  Yayyyy!

Gotta boogie- see you out on the road!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Back to Training, and Sailing Vids

Blu Bike here with today's update.  I thought we'd start with a nice sailing picture.
I've been getting some miles in since Saturday's 75 mile ride that Blackie told you about in the last post.  Mostly due to the saddle sore that poor Buttercup has.  So Blackie is on the trainer downstairs to try to get that little mystery solved.  Remember when Blackie got that maintenance overhaul?  Well, it turns out that the mark that Buttercup set the seatpost to wasn't quite right.  Up about 3/8" too high.  Thus making his body rock a little too much on the saddle.  And on that Selle Italia saddle?  Not so good.  So he and Blackie are working that out on the trainer while I get to do the road miles for BC.
Hey- remember that whole "You're the 75th rider to stop at our rest stop" thing that Blackie was telling you about?  Well here's a picture of poor Buttercup.  Now keep in mind, he's like- "WTF?" and that he can't smile (all about passion), and isn't too sure about having his picture taken with the flowery thing on in his bike tights...


So I've been after him to work on some of the sailing vid from their trip.  It's some good stuff.
First, here's a good spot from their trip from Crisfield to Reedville:

Then, the Contour website has a cool thing that let's the GPS info show with the video.  So we're going to experiment with putting that here.  Be patient if it doesn't work quite right the first time, ok?

Monday, June 4, 2012

Back on the bike! and running.

Hey everyone!  It's me, Blackie bike letting you know that Buttercup finally got home from his sailing trip on that dumb boat!  I even kinda felt sorry for him.  He was pretty landsick on Friday night when they got home, then he and I hit the road on the first annual SMECO 75th Anniversary 75 miler.  Ouch.  We had a great time riding with some of his friends, and met some new friends.  We chased a couple of guys at a hot pace for a while until they dropped us going up a little roller when BC's wide load got hit with a puff of wind.  But we had kept up with them for 15 miles or so at the hot pace, so that was good for us.  Then the rest of the group picked up me and my boy at the second rest stop and we rode with them the rest of the way.
The second rest stop was weird.  Nice volunteers were like, "Hey!  Come over here!  You're our 75th rider at the rest stop!"  Oh hurray.  I've never seen so much excitement over us getting dropped like yesterday's junk mail.  But Buttercup got his picture taken.  And got a pretty flowered Lei that he promptly put on me.  How embarrassing...

Dude.  Seriously?
Anyway.  The poor boy's legs cracked from the wind.  All that time on the boat (even with a couple of good runs thrown in) just didn't do us any good.  Which means it's going to be a LONG month of June with a whole lot of riding.  On that nice saddle sore, too.  Ouch.
So that was Saturday.  Sunday?  A bunch of rental house work for BC, and then a nice run with his Bride in the evening.  Today (Monday)?  I think he has some boat work to do- then I think he and Blu Bike are going to hit the road for a while.
BC is working on getting some of the video he took on the Contour processed so he can post it here.  The sailing vid is actually kind of cool- even though it's not riding.  So watch for it!
Here's one last cool late sunset picture from their cruise...