Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Hi All!  Blackie Bike here to chat a bit about the riding we've been doing to prep for the 200 miler coming up the end of the month.
We've been doing some good rides.  Last week Buttercup and Blu Bike had a nice ride to Annapolis and back (81 miles).  A good solid ride given that it was on a Single Speed.  Blu Bike is running a 42/16 these days, so it was challenging on BC's legs on the hills and kept his cadence up on the flats and downhill stuff.
Then Buttercup took me out for a nice ride last this past weekend for 109.  It was a good time in the saddle. We went with one of BC's riding friends for a while and her brother.  Turns out her brother does some pretty serious cyclocross racing out in Colorado- so he was great for pacing good ol' Buttercup along the route.
Here's a map of the route.  Good stuff!

Then we had a small mechanical gremlin to find, so he put me on the trainer for a bit (that's an easier spot sometimes to search out a mechanical issue than any other).  Then we figured, heck- why not do a good interval workout?  So we did "Power" from Real Rides Training from Robbie Ventura.  So we've done that a few times in the past couple of weeks.  They are fun dvd's.  Especially for the off season or rainy days.  And it's a serious workout!
This week we've done the "Power" dvd again.  Then had a good spin yesterday watching a movie.  BC is dealing with a little bit of tendinitis right now- and it is getting better.  No sense in going into a daylong ride hurt.  That just doesn't seem like it would end well.
And just in case you are wondering what all this training is for?  The Total 200 is a double century ride in Washington DC.  It's on June 30th.  Buttercup and I tried it last year and didn't make it.  But we've both been working hard this year to be ready- and BC's body is ready.  His mind is ready.  And his bike (that's me!) is ready.  Let's do this thing!
Lastly- Buttercup is making some subtle diet changes along with all the exercise.  Result?  Weight loss.  He's now down just about 15lbs for the year.  Nice!  He still has a bit of a gut, but the love handles are gone!  Yayyyy!

Gotta boogie- see you out on the road!

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